I purchased a complete SE-106 from you folks a couple of years ago. No issues with the unit that were not self-inflicted. The boat has not seen much service for whatever reason, but I finally launched it in July and docked it in front of the house. Went to go for a ride a few days later and much to my horror the boat was sinking. I rescued it, (and fixed the automatic bildge pump) and once I dried it out, the source of the leak was discovered. It was leaking around the drive shaft. I assume this means the drive bellows is junk. I see you sell a bell-housing seal kit. Do I need special tools to replace the bellows (all 3)? I also see no adhesive is included in the kit. The shop manual insists that this must be used. I know how to remove and install the drive, I had to do it more times than I like to admit during the initial installation. (until I threw the shop manual away and followed your guide).