[I bought two sei106 outdrives, i had them put on buy one of your dealers. Dana point shipyard I have less than 5 hours on both. i started to over heat on the port side, so i shut down that motor and drove it back in to slip on the starbert motor. I had the boat towed back to Dana point shipyard ware i was told that the water pumps in both outdrives were not working . This of course was after they had to take the outdrives of the boat to check them out .I was also told that i had to ship the out drives at my cost back to the factory for warranty service, this is also after I had to pay to hall the boat out of the water with a crane and pay to take the out drives of the boat and if I shipped them i would half to pay for the shipyard to split the outdrives in half for shipping. No wonder you offer a 3 year warranty you don't pay for any thing that brakes.I am so sorry I bought these outdrives, don't make the same mistake I did, buy a Mercruser at least they have a good warranty !!!! Mr. B
