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When is it time to replace a prop hub?

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  • When is it time to replace a prop hub?

    I have a fairly new SE106 drive that came with a boat which i just purchased. Everything has been running great, but on my last time out I noticed under certain conditions the prop would slip.

    when heading out in choppy conditions, there were a couple times that I ecounterd some medium sized swells ( @ 14kts). the boat handled the swells fine, but on a few occasions when encountering these swells the boat would suddenly decelerate (you could feel the loss of thrust) and the engine RPM would go up (not verified on tach, based on sound of engine) as if there was no longer a load on the engine. once i throttle down, everything re-engages and i can continue on. I could go right back to 14kts without issue until i hit that magic swell that seems to disengage the prop

    i have noticed the same symptoms when I have hit a piece of kelp.

    my question is: is this normal, or is the prop disengaging too soon.

    I would prefer not to have the prop disengaging under these conditions, but i can also see the argument for preserving the engine by not inducing too high of a load.

    i am operating under the assumption that it is the prop hub considering it's a newer drive; but it could be something else.

    I took the prop off to look at things but i relized i have no idea what a good prop hub looks like VS a spun prop hub. to me it just looked like a metal disk with unknown purpose considering it had no teeth or texture to it. What is your opinion?

  • #2
    If the boat is working fine on smooth water at full throttle, then the prop hub is not slipping.

    I think what is happening is the prop is ventilating (sucking air) when you are on top of the swell. This is a normal occurrence and why you need to throttle back when you hit a bigger swell, so it does not slip.

    Tech Support


    • #3
      you`ll find the prop hub info here.

