I had a few questions I wanted answered before I took the new outdrive out for the first time but, no one answered your phone all day. So I decided I would give it a try anyway. When I took it out it was rather noisy the whole time especially in turns or when it was trimmed up, seem to perform ok, I put a total of 45min to an hour on the outdrive. As I was testing it I noticed when I accecelatered up my engine would slowly start overheating at idle it would set around 160, and as I got around 2800 RPM it would creep all the way to 200, so I backed off and was going to park it when I noticed it dropped as soon as I decelarate. I played with this for about fifteen minutes and everytime the same thing. In another post I made I had a question about water coming out the back of the drive by the speedo cable and the shifter, just above these it looks like after further observation, I can't pen point the spot because its so tight in there. I checked the oil after running it on the muffs an it didn't appear like there was any water in the oil, so I assume I have a good seal around the drive. Is it my impeller like others have stated on this forum, this seems to be a common problem (overheating), is there something I overlooked or forgot to do????
please help as soon as possible would like to test it out again tommorow.
please help as soon as possible would like to test it out again tommorow.